Thursday 26 April 2012

Production Diary

15/01/12- I had completed the preliminary task, and had grasped the concepts of using the camera to take certain shots. I am now onto starting the initial ideas for the opening sequence.

21/01/12- My group and I have been informed by our tutor that the opening sequence must be based on a new crime fiction film. We decided to choose the subgenre of an Italian Gangster Parody. The usual things that we will hope to include to represent the American gangster area are the upper class type of people, guns, cigarettes, tuxedos/suits, hired help and low key lighting.

28/01/12- We thought of how we would be able to use low key lighting in our film and where the location may be to shoot this effect. The decision had been made to use the recording studio on the college campus to do this. The problems with this may be that the studio may not have the sufficient equipment to create this effect. However, this was overcome by asking Andy the man in charge of filming if this would be possible and he agreed that this could be possible.

04/02/12- With completing our moodboard this week, it has given us the specific ideas of the costume and props we wil use to the film to represent the stereotypes that must be portrayed. The problems encountered was that for the suits needed to be used, we first decided on using different coloured suits to show the difference in gang leaders, but there was only one suit in the  college's media costume box. We sorted this problem by deciding on not using different coloured suits and bring our own suits and create our own props to use for the film.

19/02/12- The storyboard has been completed so we now have an actual narrative and have decided who will act what. There were some disputes on who will play what, though the group decided to have a vote for each position/ role of the characters that will be used, also the roles in making the film.

26/02/12- After completing the storyline, scheduling when our group could film was the next thing to do. We setted up a table on what each person should be doing each week and the location we would be meeting to film specific shots. The issues on the scheduling was that not everyone was able to meet the times needed to shoot the required shots, but was overcome by working around this problem by contacting everyone in the group the day before filming making sure they were able to film.

05/03/12- The script was typed up on a college computer, the main issue with this was making sure that it was typed the certain way that met the requirements. This issue was sorted by looking at the template that the media tutor had placed on the college website to help us.

12/03/12- After creating the script, we started filming which we kept doing until 10/04/12. The problems wa sthis was most of our shots were needed to be filmed in the recording studio, which other groups were using aswell so must be booked and sometimes we couldn't film. This was overcome by making sure we booked in advance, and had organised what we were doing each time in the studio so we used all the time we could have.

11/04/12- Once all the filming had been done, we imported the film onto a computer in the editing room so we could start editing the film. As it was only imported to one computer we had to wait for when that computer was free, so some of the group came in their spare time to make sure the film was edited in time.

18/04/12- We had finished editing our film and uploaded it to Youtube.

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