Wednesday 25 April 2012

Costume, Props, Locations, Casting
For the potential resources needed for filming an American/Italian Gangster stereotyped film, there are certain aspects that need to be considered. Firstly, certain locations are needed to create a realistic effect throughout the film. We are basing our film more towards the Godfather type atmosphere so by viewing certain locations in the films it gave us a good understanding on where we should film. By looking at the image below, this is a shot taken from the first scene in one of the Godfather films, very much like an office type room with low key lighting used. To do this we are going to use the recording studio in college to create this interrogation effect.

For the outside shots, we thought that to keep the intense and dramatic atmosphere where violence and crime usually takes place, we decided to use a dark alley on the college campus to film this.

Costumes like I have discussed before in some of my previous posts will need to portray this classy yet mobster feel, which we did with using suits and ties, shown by the image below. Hats were also used for certain characters. Moustaches were also added to the characters to create a humorous aspect to the film which is what we intended to do throughout.

For Props I have also discussed in some of my previous posts but yet again the convention of the old mobster, violent stereotype was needed to be conveyed so we used cigars, drugs, money and guns. However to get the element of comedy put across aswell, we used the use of marshmallows in some of the characters mouths to copy the Godfather’s look of slurred speech. Also a toy cat was used to convey the cat that was seen in the first scene of the Godfather aswell. For the drugs, sherbet and icing sugar was used wrapped up in clingfilm with chocolate coins for the money.

We had a variety of casting since half we through filming two people left the course, which sadly did make filming more difficult. For the actors we used people in the media course to help.

The script is shown in the image below, not much dialouge was used but we did try to make as much speech possible in the maximum of two minutes of filming space that was required.

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