Thursday 26 April 2012

The Pitch

Our group pitched our ideas to the class using a power point presentation. Each member had certain clips to talk about which described our initial ideas of what our film was based and how and who would we distribute it to. The pitch lasted around 5 minutes and used several pictures and not a lot of detailed paragraphs on the clips to make it easier to the eye for the audience and make sure it was well understood. At the end of the pitch we asked the class on whether they had any questions, and was given useful feedback about the presentation and our ideas.
 Most of the feedback was very much positive though some did state the areas for improvement that we could develop on. This was that because we are doing a parody to make sure we kept to the comedy aspect and not make it too serious. The narrative was changed slightly to make the story more exaggerated to create a more humorous edge to the film and the production name and certain costumes were changed too.
 This is the copy of the power point presentation we pitched our ideas on:

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