Sunday 19 February 2012

Media Institutions Research

Definition of a distributor:

A distributor is the link between the film-makers and the public, and allows a film to reach the public via cinemas, DVD/video and on television. There are a number of distribution companies in the UK, all with different styles, funding structures, aims and market plans, all trying to sell their films in a competitive environment.

In the UK, distributors are divided into the majors and the independents.

If we wanted our film to be distributed for cinema showing we would have to consider using a major film distribution company as it would need major funding from production and distribution companies. This would be an unlikely option as major film distributors rarely support low budget films. Examples of major film distributors are:
  • Warner Bros
  • 20th Century Fox
  • Columbia Tri-Star
  • Universal Studios
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Disney

Due to the fact that we do not have anywhere near the amount of funding that would be needed in order to produce and distribute a mainstream film, the most realistic option would be to sell our finished product to an Independent distributor.
Examples of independent film distributors are:
  • Pathe
  • The Film maker's co-operative
  • IndiePix films
  • MusicBox

Youtube has also been known to have short films and some low budget films placed on their website under featured in order to gain publicity. Realistically I think we would use youtube to distribute our film.

Age restrictions are in every film in the UK and USA, they have a purpose of stopping children viewing films that are unsuitable to watch at their age eg) drug use, nudity, sex, swearing etc.
As our film is a parody we thought that because it doesn't have a serious edge in the film, the restriction would be lowered, however aspects of drugs and slight swearing is used in the film. This made us think that the restriction could be a 12A or a 15.


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